Vision Document 2020

In this document, we, the Adult Guidance Association, outline a concise account of our members’ vision for a strengthened and improved adult guidance counselling service in the FET sector. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on Irish economic and social life, AGA members continue to work with ETB pre-entry and current learners, […]

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Aontas Star Award

Congratulations to Bessborough Centre Mahon, Cork – Adult Leaving Cert. Winner of an AONTAS Star Award for showcasing teamwork. The Centre provides education to adults who experience difficulty accessing formal education due to disadvantage and challenging home circumstances. It is a great initiative with CETB adult educational guidance service in Cork city providing considerable support, […]

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aegai Represented at Joint Oireachtas Committee meeting on Jobpath

aegai Chairperson Catherine Greene spoke yesterday January 17th at a Joint Oireachtas Committee meeting on Employment Affairs and Social Protection. The committee was looking at Jobpath, the activation programme tasked with working with those who have been on the live register for 12 months or more and who wish to obtain full time employment/self-employment. Researchers from the […]

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